Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Extrme Victory Preview #2: six sam

Hey guys haven't wrote in a while but school is evil ): anyway here with another extrme victory preview, argh so much yugioh content plus I have my teamtes decks to put up so   just trying to mangae it all, maybe after school is on spring break I can relax!
So today i am going to be talking about the new six sam support!
1st on the list is six sam hermit he has 400atk (I think) and the same bad defense he is level 3 and chas a cyber dragon effect. So I actually see this working but since kaigeki is just so much better hermit does get overshadowed but personally I might run 1 if I can find room as having a cyber dragon is nice just not with such low stats, but it can be used to fill united and gateway and synchro with kagemusha but again kaigeki is just better. second we have shien's tactican level 4 1200 atk and effect is you can declare an attribute and people can only play monsters with that type (think gozen match in monster form) wow this card is so broken! Just kidding. This card is bad, not only can it end up hurting sams but it doesn't go along with the theme in any way and with 1200atk that doesn't help either. Moving on to the spell card Shein's dojo effect is place 1 bushido counter on this card anytime you normal or special a sam and you can send this card to the grave to summon a sam with equal or less level than the number of bushido counters on this card. This card is very good bushido counters are easy to spam it is from the deck so that's good and is just another staple spell card we will see in sams in either 2 or 3 ( btw this card is not a replacment to gateway by any strech of the mind as it just doesn't net massive +'s like gateway does) Now for the final card which is a trap card called the art of dual wielding  or something like that anyway its effect is when you control exactly 1 face up atk pos. sam you can bounce 2 cards bact to the owners hand. Pretty good but it's restriction that you can only control exactly 1 atk pos sam is kinda bad but it would be broken if it did not have that restriction but i actually see this card working in some if not all sam builds at 1 maybe 2 but that is kind pushing it.
So that is my second review of extreme victory stay reading as I have a bunch more content to write about so please remember to follow and comment and answer the poll question which is in dierct response to this post: what effect do you think extreme victory will have on the tcg meta? Answer the poll i would love to hear your thoughts!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Six Sam Deck!

Hey guys just sitting here wishing I was ay YCS Anaheim but my friend has a b-day party today so that is how life goes! Anyway since I am not going to any YCS's in the near future I decided it was okay to show my decklist for six sam's( i will explain my techs after the deck)
Monsters: 14
3 Kizan
3 Kaigeki
3 kagemusha
2 Grandmaster
1 hand
1 Mizuho
1 Legendary Six sam Enishi (yeah the six sam one not the chancellor)
Spells: 16
3 Smoke Signal
3 Six sam united
2 Mst
2 Smashing Ground
1 Gateway
1 Rota
1 Monster Reborn
1 Giant Trunade
1 Book of Moon
1 Dark Hole
Traps: 10
2 Dest
2 D-Prison
2  Solemn Warning
2 Musakani Magatama
1 Mirror Force
1 Solemn Judgement

So that is my decklist assuming that you know what every six sam does I will just explain my techs, First Six Sam Enishi(again not chancellor) this card is so good, basically it is like a mini book of moon in the way that you can just stop synchro summons and just in general stop big plays, also when you have 2 six sams on the field he becomes 2200 atk, so you really can't go wrong, he is another monster so you get less monsterless hands, trust me if you think i am a noob for playing him then you have never played him. Second is Mizuho simple explanation just to destroy stuff, mainly backrow, I might take this out for a spirit of the six samuri but so far mizuho has playtested quite well. Moving on to spells: Smashing ground, i always found myself facing a giant monster that I just cannot get over and that was the only thing stopping my swarm, I like it much better that bottomless because it is never a turn late and your opponent cannot anticpate it like they can bottomless. Finally in traps I decided to use d prison because not only does it provide defense for a turn but it is great monster removal and a one card answer to stardust and gorz both of which six sam's have issuses with. So that is my deck please comment and don't forget to follow the blog and vote in the poll!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Extreme Victory preview #1: Karakuri

Hey guys instead of giving you a preview of YCS Anaheim(which I will not be attending but have no fears one of my teamates is so they will do the recap) I decided to do a Extreme Victory preview on the archtype that I think is getting the most boost from Extreme Victory: Karakuri. So first on the list is Karakuri Ninishi which is proably the most broken card in the deck. This card has 0 atk and 1900 def. The effect is like a Boggart knight or a kageki and you what heppens to deck when they get one of those monsters! Well the combos are pretty much limitless but they all start with having a level 5 monster on the field( cyber dragon anyone) then you can summon her summon stragest or a level 4 karakuri then use cyber and ninshi to go for buerido then summon either a level 4 karakuri or a level 3 tuner karkuri whichever one that you didn't summon with ninshi and go for bueri summon another karakuri then draw cards with bueridos effect! You can just add other cards to the combo like anatomy or even machine duplication to further increase you card presence. moving on we have a level 6 karakuri that has 2200 atk and an effect that lets you draw card equal to the number of defence karakuris on your field. Then thing that hurts it the most is that its effect only works when it is normal summoned, but you could use it as a beater for the synchros but haipa is better in my opionion. Then you have a quick play spell that adds 1000 attack but negates the effect, which i actually see promise in this card as kuick plus this make a summon from the graveyard. Then you have a counter trap that negates a spell or trap if you have a defense karakuri, so that is alright. All in all though this is going to make karakuri's a tier 1 deck no doubt but perhaps more importantly karakur's can be a tier 1 deck without having to splash other deck engines in like Machina's or plant or both. Thanks for reading and make sure to follow by email, and check out the poll.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Just a friendly meta game discussion

Hey guys just wanted to talk a little about the format. Welll I went to my locals on Saturday (I went 4-1 by the way, I'll talk more about the matches in this article) and I saw some very interesting stuff (I was playing six sam). My first game was aginst anti-meta nothing really new here I lost agme 1, won game 2 and lost game 3 so a first round lost off to a great start right! My second match was against spellcaster beatdown which I won game 1 and 2 with but the thing is he actually finished the day witha 3-2 record not bad for such a deck. My third match was against Lightsworn which of course is your typical lightsworn and I lost game 1 but won games 2 and 3. My fourth match was against choas plants which I won game 1 lost game 2 but won game 3. My final matchwas against scraps which i won games 1 and 2. So you're probably thinking just your average local right, well not quite, see by the time the top 8 was released ( I didn't make it I was 12th, nor did any of temates but that was okay.) It was quite a shock 2 gb's made it, 1 six sam, 1 gravekeeper, 1 fish, 1anti-meta, 1 nordic, and 1 burn. Yeah you heard me right burn. So the matches were gb vs. gravekeeper, gb vs. fish, nordic vs. anti-meta, and six sam vs. burn. By the time the top 4 came around the decks that were left were Gravekeeper, gb, nordic and burn! The only tier 1 deck left was gravekeeper! On top of that it was quite a game to watch for a burn deck to beat a six sam deck! So the finals came around and the decks that were left were nordic vs. burn! So now no tier 1 deck was left and the deck that took it all was burn! it was amazing i never would have guessed it! i did have mixed feelings though, nordic really is not a sacky deck, but burn is so i felt like maybe this format was to diverse for its own good or was it just a fluke looking at results from YCS Charleotte and seeing that a deck destruction made it all the way to the top 4 that maybe burn winning wasn't just a fluke. Don't get me wrong I congratulate the burn player and it was a amazing build when i looked at it, I was just shocked that sucha sacky deck could win a local! So that leads me to this week's poll question do you think this format is just diverse for its own good or the sacky decks that win are just flukes, please answer!