Thursday, May 19, 2011

The changing metagame (and a quick six sam discussion)

Hey guys just wanted to talk about the coming changes to our metagme and boy the're are alot. First and Foremost most of you know already about the librarian format that oficially starts on july 5th so i will keep it brief this format means brokeness and drawing a hella lot of cards so get ready. Secondly we have gold seris 3 coming out (these events are in no particualar order) witch won't have a huge impact it will just make some key cards easier to get (hopefully good ones). Third we have the agent fairy deck coming out and to be hones that deck looks really good and i really want to try it out. The agents might sit around tier 1.5 or 2 if they are lucky possibly even tier 1 (yea they are that good). Fourth we have Exceed summons coming out, now that won't really effect the metagme because we have such good synchros but just give exceeds time, they will be good. Fifth we have the darkworlds and if you haven't been on duel network and figured out that they are good, then please go do that right now. This structure deck that they come in are singlehandidly going to change the game so much. Darkworlds are going to be tier 1 no doubt about it. With so many new decks that we are going to have to contend with side deck space is going to be limited so those special techs are going to be even more important. Now with the six sam discussion eventually i discovered after getting advice from trusted friends/good players that you have to run 3 dojo(yea it's that good) also before I was just running 2 elder and no actesthism but now I am running 2 actethism and elder. But the problem i seen to be having is finding space i am tempted to take out a grandmaster and or  my 2 mst's but they are just so good, also i wanted to find room for a squire but upon looking into my deck i have concluded that i cannot fit in squire. Also i wanted to take a more control approach with veiler but after seeing just how much power aggro six sam is I will save control six sam for later *cough* Librarian format.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Shiens dojo

So just a little discussion this time (srry for the lack of posts I really couldn't think of any interesting content) but today i am going to be talking about shiens dojo. This card is really good I mean really good. I was playtesting this out at 2 copies and that was very consistent, then 1 which was too little and 3 was way to much. So I decided on 2 copies. I personally think that this card is going to make six sams survive well into the end of this format(at least) basically this card makes those shien plays very easy and is also a great follow up play to shien so a good combo is to sync for shien special kizan, ditch dojo, get kagemush, synch for level 6(mostly barkion, but you could use any). The card is also extrmely versitile allowing to go aggro, or allowing to go for more control over your opponent. At first I was playing 2 dojo with 3 upstarts(the aggro style) then i kinda switched the 3 upstarts with 2 veiler and 1 d prison 9this is control) dojo could very easily change the way six sams are played. Some people are saying that six sams are at the end of their rope but in my opinion they are just getting started. Right now I am at an impass i could go aggro, but the format seems to be swining toward more control but is always nice that dojo allows you to go either way, just playtest and by switching a few cards go with wahtever playstyle you like better. So all in all play dojo it is good!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The return of me! Oh and Format info (did that just make sense)

Well hello people I am back and seems I can't talk or type for that matter for beans YAY! Anyways sorry for the little hiatus but I have been studying for cst"s and finals so you know how it is. I am actually here to talk about how the format is heading and my personal experiences. So I entered my loal tourney with my six sam deck in the last tourney before extrme victory is legal so no dojo(yet) but I still did good. My first match was against gravekeepers 2-0'd him, it seems like gravekeepers are losing steam right now maybe it's just me but no gravekeepers topped at my local this time. My second round was against kmp and that deck is really good I didn't really  know how to play against it so I lose 1st game but side some good stuff in game 2 and win, then I really know how to play against the deck and side in d fissure (best tech ever in side deck) and draw it in my opening hand and easily win that one so i am 2-0 right now yay! All kidding aside it seems that kmp is good but will likely see less play with librarian coming out. My third match is aginst my friend who is running machina I lose game 1 because he drwas absolutly beast and always has a counter for everything, so I don't even side and win game 2, then in game 3 I side and losw (what?) so I lose aginst machina well that is a surprise but with fortress contunually coming at me I cannot stop the huge attackers. So my fourth round was against six sam (mirror match) This was real easy first game opened with united and geteway and of course won. Second game I lost but it was real close and both of us had to play smart, but in the end he got me. Third game this was also a close game but in the end I won. So I was moving on to my last round which was aginst junk doppel plants, I knew that this match waould be a tought one with trish and all, but there still is no libaraian so that is one plus. First game he goes synchro crazy with fitzgerald and every other synchro and I lose, then I side in d-fissuer and absolutley wreck the next 2 games thanks to that card! So I wait for the results and I got 12th what! Well oh well better luck next time, but anyway my recap of the meta is that first d- fissure wins games! Second plants are going to totally broken when librarian comes out, third gravekeepers are losing steam? Finally in six sam whoever gets gateway first wins(that is obvious) also on a side note machina have a good matchup against six sam, and also when extrme victory is legal i am adding 2 shiens dojo as that card is real good and I still have to test six sams out against x-saber so i really want to see that matchup. Well that is all for today so thanks for reading!